Saturday, January 29, 2005

Snippets from the Archives

Snowy, cold days are good times to re-discover old slides and negatives in shoeboxes. These postings include Sarah at age 3, a visit to Galway, and flamingos in Florida. I could use some comments on the Photoshop versions.

Sarah at age 3, Nantucket

princess posing

laughing at Daddy

Horses in Galway Bay cove, Ireland, 1977

Galway Bay Horses - conte

flamingos - Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida

flamingo on the move

watercolor version

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

New England Winter

Winter is a beautiful time in New England, if you can stay warm. Our home, surrounded by woods and meadow, full of terrain and wildlife, provides superb views in all directions. The weather, and the light outside, change constantly. These photos capture some of the feeling of that special time.

maple in snow

hillside in the fog and snow

stone wall at meadow's edge

tress in fog and snow

trees in snow and fog - version 2

between two trees in the snow

between two trees - artsy

tree lichens - maple and oak, in front of the house

tree lichens - artsy

all you need for a New England Winter

bird at feeder - from kitchen window

bird 2 at feeder

bird feeder - cutout rendition

shore bird statue

shore bird statue - sponge rendition

shore bird - cutout

woods behind the house

pirate ship in the meadow

pirate ship - cutout rendition

hillside above the meadow